Expert Tips: What are the Most Amazing Things You Can Do in Jaffa

The area of Jaffa has been around for more than four thousand years and it has a completely different ambiance than the city of Tel Aviv and other areas of Israel.  A visit to Jaffa means historical delights around every corner, delectable cuisine, and cultural events within galleries and out on the streets.

The Most Amazing Things You Can Do in Jaffa

Wander Through the Galleries


There are at least fifty different art galleries in Jaffa, and you will find many of them tucked away in the maze of alleys.  After exploring a few of the galleries on a boutique tours Israel, or as you happen to be in the area, you may want to consider appreciating the art that can be found inside the Ilana Goor Museum.


Visit the Jaffa Flea Market


Sometimes, it is all about shopping when you are on vacation and this couldn’t be more true for when you are visiting Jaffa.  The Jaffa Flea Market holds so many treasures including vintage and recycled items.  Grab a drink to keep you refreshed as you wander from stall to stall and be prepared to have your hands full by the time you leave to continue on your boutique tours Israel.


Visit the Great Mosque


One of the first things you will notice as you are walking the streets of Jaffa is the tall minaret from the Great Mosque.  You can see this feature from almost anywhere in the city, which means it will turn into the point of interest you use to get your bearings.  This mosque is also known as Mahmudiye Mosque and it was constructed during the 18th and 19th centuries.  During your visit, pay close attention to the Roman columns, because they were installed upside down.


Grab a Selfie with the Clock Tower


Okay, so you might not be able to get the entire Clock Tower into a selfie, but you can get part of it if you cannot find anyone to take your picture.  This magnificent piece of Jaffa history was constructed back in 1906 and you will find it directly in the center of the main square.


Wander Through the Hapisga Gardens


There are plenty of places to relax in Jaffa, but you will definitely prefer the tranquility of the Hapisga Gardens.  These gardens can be found at the top of a hill in Jaffa and from them you can look out over the bustling city of Tel Aviv.  This is an excellent place to take a picnic lunch, especially if you want to enjoy the beauty of the surrounding area.


These are the five most amazing things to do when you are in Jaffa, but I know you will find many more when you arrive and take one of the boutique tours Israel.  Simply enjoy every moment you have in Jaffa, because it is one of the best places to spend time away from home.


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